Dissemination tools

Program descriptions

Program fact-sheets

These fact-sheets present the prevention and intervention programs to which researchers from the ÉVISSA team have contributed. They briefly describe the program, the benefits of its implementation, facilitation recommendations and evaluation results, if carried out. Available in French only.

Assessment tools

Measure fact-sheets

The fact-sheets present the French translation and validation of numerous assessment tools by researchers from the ÉVISSA team. The dimensions of the concept measured by the instrument, the various contexts of use, the administration method, the existing standards, the interpretation of results as well as the psychometric properties of the French version are detailed. Available in French only.

Scientific articles summaries

Research fact-sheets

These fact-sheets are designed to effectively disseminate results of the research projects of the ÉVISSA team. They present a summarized description of the participants in the study, the measures used to collect the data, and outline the practical implications. Available in French only.

Echoes from the Marie-Vincent Interuniversity Research Chair

The « Echoes from the Chair » present key findings from the Chair’s research work published in scientific articles.

Science outreach

Echoes from the Marie-Vincent Interuniversity Research Chair

The « Echoes from the Chair » present key findings from the Chair’s research work published in scientific articles.

Fact-sheets – META project

These fact-sheets present the key findings of the META project. Available in French only.

Flash YRR

The Flash YRR are research summaries that present the key findings of scientific articles published using data from the Youths’ Romantic Relationships Survey. Available in French only.

SPARX Fact Sheets

Results of the needs assessments

These fact sheets summarize the key results of the needs assessments for each of the project components (youth, school staff, parents/caregivers and youth ambassadors). These assessments allowed to better understand the reality and needs of the target populations in order to design tools that are adapted to them.

Results of the pilot evaluation

These fact sheets summarize the key results of the pilot studies targeting parents/caregivers and school staff.

Results of the experimental evaluation

These fact sheets summarize the process and key results of the experimental evaluation for the youth, school staff, and parents/caregivers.

Educational videos

Available in French only.

Assessment toolkit

Assessment toolkit for child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse

With financial assistance from the Fonds d’aide aux victimes d’actes criminels (FAVAC) of the Ministère de la Justice du Gouvernement du Québec, this toolkit was developed by the team of the Canada Research Chair in Interpersonal Trauma and resilience and aims to provide practitioners with more efficient tools to assess the profiles of child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse. It contains an evaluation protocol, descriptive sheets of the instruments used, and a summary profile prototype based on clinical standards and thresholds.