Developmental pathways in youth

The identification of various protective factors that influence the individual, familial, social and community spheres to reduce the impact of sexual violence and the establishment of effective intervention practices are considered priorities to counter this serious social problem. Our ongoing research projects aim to validate conceptual models of the link between victimization and its impact on youth development by studying the mediating and moderating factors involved as well as to identify correlates associated with resilience pathways using a longitudinal approach. Issues specific to each developmental period are considered. These researches will contribute to the development of intervention practices tailored to the needs of sexually abused children.

For information
Manon Robichaud, M.A.
Research professional, UQAM
Principal Investigator
Martine Hébert, Ph.D.
Full Professor, UQAM
Marie-Vincent – Child & Youth Advocacy Centre
Centre d’intervention en abus sexuel pour la famille (CIASF)
Clinique sociojuridique du CHU Sainte-Justine