Canada Research Chair in Interpersonal Traumas and Resilience

Created in 2016, the Canada Research Chair in Interpersonal Traumas and Resilience aims to better understand the various pathways of child and adolescent victims of interpersonal violence and to prevent this violence. The Chair’s work aims to identify protective factors involved at the individual, family, social and community levels in order to reduce the impacts of interpersonal violence. In addition, it focuses on developing effective intervention and prevention practices to foster resilience in young victims.
The objectives of the Chair are:
- to carry out innovative research to validate conceptual models explaining the link between victimization and the impact on youth development by studying the mediating and moderating factors involved;
- to identify the correlates associated with resilience and revictimization pathways using a longitudinal approach;
- to evaluate promising intervention methods in order to promote the optimal development of young victims of sexual violence;
- to evaluate the effects of interpersonal violence prevention programs.
Dissemination tools

For information
Manon Robichaud, M.A.
Research professional, UQAM
Martine Hébert, Ph.D.
Full Professor, UQAM