Lantern Program Evaluation

Developed by the Marie-Vincent Foundation, the Lantern Program – Protecting our young children from sexual violence is a sexual violence prevention program aimed at preschool-aged children and the adults in their lives. The Lantern program provides training and educative tools.
The first phase of the evaluation was carried out using a mixed methods approach to document the first year of implementation of the program in educational and intervention settings (childcare centers, community centers, drop-in daycare) in Montreal and the Monteregie area. The effects of the Lantern program training on participants’ knowledge, beliefs and self-efficacy in relation to the prevention of sexual violence among preschool-aged children were assessed. The context in which the educative tools were used, as well as participants’ perception of their role as a Lantern person in their educational and intervention settings was documented.
A second phase of evaluation is currently underway, following a mixed design, to document the previously mentioned effects as well as the gains’ sustainability over time. Furthermore, one aspect of the evaluation focuses on the Lantern community of practice, accessible to all trained professionals, in order to assess its relevance and appreciation according to the participants.
Dissemination tools
Available in French only.

For information
Pénélope Allard-Cobetto, M.A.
Evaluation coordinator, UQAM
Team Members
Principal Investigator
Martine Hébert, Ph.D.
Full Professor, UQAM
Jacinthe Dion, Ph.D.
Full Professor, UQAC
Mireille Cyr, Ph.D.
Retired Professor, UdeM
Photography credit : Geneviève Beaupré
Illustrations credit : Geneviève Després